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QUTENZA: It's more than a patch

QUTENZA is a different kind of treatment for diabetic nerve pain of the feet. It’s an FDA-approved, noninvasive, prescription-strength topical system applied by your healthcare provider in-office. QUTENZA can be used alone or in combination with other treatments.

While it may look like a patch, QUTENZA is a topical system. It uses unique patented technology, designed to treat nerve pain at the source of pain by delivering medication deeper into the skin.

See How QUTENZA Works

Key features of QUTENZA

noninvasive treatment

30-minute, noninvasive treatment

healthcare provider

Applied in-office by a healthcare provider



Not to Pill

Not another daily pill

No drug

No drug-drug interactions

Well-studied safety

Well-studied safety profile

Results with QUTENZA

Lasting relief from diabetic nerve pain of the feet

30% reduction in pain with QUTENZA over a period of 12 weeks*

19 days is how early patients have experienced significant pain relief after a single application

73% were willing to continue with QUTENZA plus Standard of Care after one year of ongoing treatment

*Pain from baseline to Week 12 compared to 22% for placebo.

Compared to 52% of those receiving Standard of Care alone.

Placebo = substance with no active ingredient.

Standard of Care = treatment a healthcare provider was already giving a patient prior to starting trial with QUTENZA.

How QUTENZA works

QUTENZA works directly at the nerve receptors that cause diabetic nerve pain of the feet, reducing pain for up to 3 months of relief. One 30-minute treatment, applied just 4X each year, can provide ongoing relief.

  • The cycle of diabetic nerve pain relief Damaged nerves send too many pain signals to your brain, resulting in pain in your feet.

  • Targeted prescription-strength patch During a 30-minute treatment, the medicine travels to the damaged nerves in your feet.

  • Reduces pain signals QUTENZA reaches these damaged nerves and helps reduce the number of pain signals sent to your brain.

  • Nerve regrowth Over time, the nerves in your feet regain the ability to send out pain signals, causing pain to return.

progression of foot pain to foot pain relief
Due to the chronic nature of diabetic nerve pain of the feet, ongoing treatments with QUTENZA every 3 months* may be necessary to achieve optimal benefit.

*QUTENZA may not be repeated more frequently than every 3 months.

Diabetic nerve pain is a chronic condition. Symptoms, such as burning, shooting pain, tingling, or numbness, can return.

Treating with QUTENZA just 4X each year is one way to help keep a step ahead of diabetic nerve pain of the feet.

man’s foot leaving trail of flames on floor

Actor portrayal.

Actor portrayal.

Well-studied safety profile

QUTENZA has been available in the US for over 10 years. As with any prescription medication, you should talk to your healthcare provider about any side effects.

In clinical trials, 1% of patients discontinued treatment with QUTENZA due to a side effect. The most common drug-related side effects were redness, pain, or itching where QUTENZA was applied. Side effects were generally mild to moderate in nature and lasted a short time.

man with football in his hands

Actor portrayal.

Here’s what you need to know

QUTENZA may cause serious side effects, including severe irritation, pain, and increases in blood pressure during or right after treatment. Please review the Important Safety Information below for a summary of additional potential side effects with QUTENZA.

When ordinary means everything – Less pain. More possibilities.

Take the first step toward relief from diabetic nerve pain of the feet with QUTENZA.